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Category: Uncategorized

First Year as a Snowbird: A Journey to Grand Isle, Louisiana

I retired in 2013. Shortly after, my husband informed me that he wanted to head south for the winter. He said he hated cold weather and wanted to escape it. Since he had become a crop-only farmer, he could get away for a couple of months. I was dumbfounded! Not...

My Father’s Family Legacy

From these various relatives, Daddy learned the value of Living for Christ Working the land Serving others Respecting his heritage and elders A good education Being a good parent Loving Unconditionally...

Christmas Lights Point us to Jesus

Have you ever wondered why it is a tradition to hang lights at Christmas. I’d never really given it a thought until last night as I was driving around admiring all the lights. It suddenly hit me–In scripture, Jesus says “I am the light.” In him was life, and...

The Summer of 1969

Memories Evoked by Crimson and Clover Why This Song? The Summer of 1969. All it took to take me back to that time was hearing a DJ state that Crimson and Clover was 50 years old. I was immediately transported to a weekend spent at the Lake of the...

Seasonal Decorator – Winter Decor

Winter Decor went up this week as I took down our Christmas decorations. Choosing interchangeable decorations, makes this transition fairly easy. Living in Missouri, means snow is likely through the end of March. So, I decorate for both Christmas and winter with snowmen, pine cones and evergreens. For winter,...

My Amazing Grandma – Caring, Contented, Loved

Last Saturday, I attended the funeral of one of my Ferguson cousins, Lorene Ferguson Davidson who was my grandma’s niece. She was 91. I was greeted with a hug by her daughter, Lana, as she exclaimed, “Longevity!” She was referring to how long the Fergusons we know seem to...

Lots of Love – My Mother, A Wise Military Wife

The Military Wife, Who is a Mother, Endures Difficulties I’ve been thinking about my mother quite a bit this week and how wise she was. Thoughts were triggered by a post a friend, Jessica, made on Facebook. She is a military wife with three young children and she was...